To give what you have is good, but to give what you haven't received is even better. If you were never encouraged growing up, then I believe you should be encouraging everyone that's in your path. If you've never felt love growing up, then I believe you should show some love to someone in need. We can beat the enemy by being practical. This is how we overcome evil with good. This is how we overcome the sins of our fathers and fathers' fathers. This is bondage breaking teaching. There is a blessing inside of you. Would you be that blessing for someone else? Somebody say AMEN! There is a reason you have lived the life you have been given. You have been dealt a specific hand of life for a very important reason. Reach out! Tell somebody you love'em! Tell your kids and your neighbors' kids how proud you are of them. It won't take anything away from you. There is a miracle inside of you. Are you willing to be that miracle for someone like you?