Thursday, August 23, 2012

Don't Judge Me!

I'll be the first to say I'm guilty of judging.  I've judged a book by its cover, people by their family members, and a list of other ways that are undesirable. I was dead wrong. I also have made plenty of righteous judgments. I've judged whether or not I should keep going out with those "friends" that party, cuss, and fight. I made my judgment and said, no. I've even judged my friends' behavior and actions, and realized they were/are in full active addiction. I called them out, gently, out of love. That judgment may one day save their life. Listen, folks, a RIGHTEOUS judgment saved YOUR life!  Christ judged you righteously. for He is a righteous judge. We can judge others in the flesh, or we can judge them righteously in the Spirit. It can be done by genuinely caring for the interest of others.  So the next time someone blows the whistle on you, remember, not all judgment is wrong, for a righteous judgment could, or has saved your life.

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