Friday, February 15, 2013

What would I do?

I heard a wise man say "Go to your house, right into the privacy of your own bedroom. Put a chair out in front of you and sit in it. Look yourself straight in the eye and ask 'what would you do if you could get away with it?'" Whatever that something is, that is the way God views you. God sees the heart. While man judges you by what you do, God judges you by what you Would do.

Seems a little scary doesn't it? No need to worry though. God knew where your steps would be before you had feet. He knows your frame. He remembers your dust. He knows where you are going, and He can relate with what you are going through. He has been there, but He has not done that. He has bought you at a price and wore a cross in case you do. He is into forgiving you. You are forgiven. Say it loud... I am forgiven.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I remember you in 3rd grade. You had long hair with a cute smile, full of braces that caught my eye. As a crossing guard, I watched you get into your moms car after school. You had my mind wondering where you were off to. In middle school to early high school, I can recall lots of late night talks over the phone. Laughing out loud, trying to be quiet to not wake our parents. We were only children from broken homes, but not broken spirits. We were tougher than life. As life would have it though, we grew apart... but not for long. Even though the road we have walked has made us who we are, we are united once again. Years later, for the completion of His perfect will, we are called together by Someone much greater than Life and life's terms. You have always been special to me. You have always been beautiful to me. You have my eyes, my mind, and now my heart. Looking back, I can now see that I have loved you from the start.  "God blessed the broken road, that led me straight to you."

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


To be swayed away or drawn from the lesser traveled path is a very real battle. It is present in the most lonely, deepest valleys. You can find its traces in the smothering canopy of pink clouds. It is even lurking in the heights of the hallelujah mountain tops. It listens to every murmur. It lies in wait for the most opportune time. No one is exempt from its painted landscape of lies. Resistance is our clarity back to reality. He died for you. He loves you. He lives today.

The old life is gone, a new life begins, a fresh start is created new.